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Because Portuguese is not a disease.
(What a stupid rhyme!)

Luis Fernando Verissimo

One of my favourite Brazilian writers. His stories are amusing and a guarantee of good entertainment. He has written short stories, novels and some poetry as well.

Born in September 26, 1936 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, he tried many things before writing. "At the age of 31 i realised that i hadn't work out on anything", he says.

Verissimo is a great fan of jazz, and plays saxophone in a band called Jazz 6. He enjoys the culture of Rio de Janeiro and is a critic of right-wing politicians, especially the former president, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

He was married to Lúcia Helena Massa in 1964, and the couple has three children: Fernanda, a journalist, Mariana, a writer, and Pedro, a musician. He lives with his wife in Porto Alegre.

The Flavour Inventor*

"If i could be another man, i would be a new flavours inventor for ice-cream companies. I know such decisions are taken by coolheaded (frozen in this case) marketing departments
in accordance with cientific research and selling strategies, but nothing can keep me from imagining huge ice-cream companies hiring specialists in order to exclusively think new flavours up. Professionals with a big fat salary whose unique function is invade the directory room sometimes and anounce:

- I've got a new flavour!

Great excitement. All department managers are called while the inventor writes down his creation trying to avoid the risk of forget it. Finally, everybody assembled, the whole production stoped just waiting, he reveals his idea:

- Chocrape. Chocolate covered, a crunchy layer and grape inside!

Aplausse. Cheers. He top expectation once more. Production and Promotion is frenetically going on while the flavours-invetor receives honours and goes back to his room to think another flavour up.

He should have a special, but malevolent (only who is in a diet knows how it hurts to resist such appeal of each flavour carefully made to be irresistible), infantile, innocent and shrewd talent.. And he would be a very valued professional.

- Do you know who is that over there?

- Who?

- The creator of "Nhaque"

- Of what?

- "Nhaque". Caramel, strawberry, butterfat and a honey and nuts nucleus. It's a classic. He's a living legend in this business. He's just refused a millionaire offer from Kibon**.

- Look! His eyes are closed and he's smiling like a child.

- He's probably thinking some new flavour up."

*This is my firt time translating some story. So if you know this story and something is missed or wrong, let me know, ok?
**One of the biggest ice cream companies in Brazil, owned by Unilever.


posted by Leonardo


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