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Because Portuguese is not a disease.
(What a stupid rhyme!)

Who is this guy? - Quem é esse cara?

My name is Leonardo and I'm a brazilian guy who is mad about languages and cultures. I live in Rio de Janeiro with my mother, trying to live a simple life. I'm a christian and I usually go to church on sundays, but I try to live a "mere christianity", as C. S. Lewis would say, in my daily life through some small acts and behaviors.

I used to study marketing at university, but I had to stop it for a while. I'm also a musician. I studied classical music and jazz for some time. I play the piano and guittar, but I can also produce some strange sounds at the bass. Oh! I studied bassoon for one year also. I can't imagine a life without music and music without a listener living being. Sometimes I stop whatever I'm doing and listen what the world around me says. At the bus stop or in the subway, millions and millions of sounds and timbres are sparkling in front of us, we must be sensible to close our eyes and "watch" sound's dancing.

I'm also an official tour guide in Rio and South America, registered with EMBRATUR (kind of Brazilian Federal Tourism Agency). I can offer my services to help you not only while you're in Rio, but i can help all your planning to Brazil and South America. Bookings, transfers, reservations, tours, flights, bus trips or whatever. I enjoy make people happy. So if i help you to spend an unforgetable time (i mean, unforgettably good), you're going to see a big joyful smile on my face. I can take you to the most importants and famous tourist attractions, but if you're tired of it i know some unbelievable "untouristic" places.

I made this blog to show a little bit of my language, culture and my city. I can speak English and I can read and write something in French. I'm learning German and Chinese also and I know some funny sentences in Polish. Spanish is quite similar to Portuguese, so I can understand most of it. I've talked with some Spanish speakers without problems. Sometimes they ask in Spanish and I answer in Portuguese. That's why I'm mad about it! Communication is more than speak a language.
But I'm working on it, anyway. I hope be a fluent Spanish speaker very soon.)

If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to tell me through my email adress:

posted by Leonardo


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