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Because Portuguese is not a disease.
(What a stupid rhyme!)

Mental Connections

Communication is so much more than speak the same language. One day i was watching an american TV show and i remembered all the times i talked face to face with someone in a language different from Portuguese. I realized that i can have a better understanding looking, feeling, smelling (why not?) than only listening. Fact: most of our communication is non verbal. Our body sends information every second we are hanging out with friends or just walking down the streets.

We can have communication problems even if we live in the same country, speak the same language and have the same accent or dialect. This kind of problem come when our minds are not connected. When our bodies send
unintelligible encrypted informations. It is like enzymes. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't work. You can speak Portuguese perfectly, but i won't understand one single idea if we don't think together. Or worse, i will misunderstand it.

That is what fascinate me about communication. It doesn't matter if you say olá, hola, helo, hallo, ciao, salut, cześć, hej, shalom, salam alaikum, konnichiwa, ni hao, or whatever. We must try to read each other and try to be connected somehow, otherwise we can't understand one another. It is more than speak, it is communicate.


posted by Leonardo


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